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Pros and Cons of Teledentistry in Dental Practice

Whether you like it or not, teledentistry is here to stay. This technology has been proven to be beneficial during the pandemic. Even though we’re nearing the end of the pandemic, the approach to dentistry will completely change. Because teledentistry has proven to be useful in providing care to patients no matter where they are, this technology will stay and remain a part of dental practice. 

What are the Advantages of Teledentistry in Dental Practice? 

  • Real-time emergency exams with a licensed dentist. Teledentistry offers 24/7 consultations for patients. Licensed dentists can respond to a patient’s request. If necessary, dentists can provide a live video examination. 
  • Prescribe antibiotics. After a real-time emergency exam, dentists can provide an initial diagnosis and recommend the right treatment. Analgesics and antibiotics can be prescribed, if necessary. 
  • Deliver dental care to the underserved. Teledentistry plays a key role in providing delivery of care to the underserved. This technology has substantially increased the roles of professionals to collaborate with their patients. 
  • Decrease unnecessary emergency room visits. Patients can receive fluoride varnish kits by mail, for instance, and their dentist remotely checks in on them to ensure that they apply the kit correctly in live time. 

But it’s not all rosy in teledentistry. Just like any technology, teledentistry has its cons. Here are some shortcomings that this technology is facing. 


Cons of Using Teledentistry in Dental Practice 

  • Cost of telecommunications equipment. Not all dentists can afford to implement it in their practice. 
  • Requires appropriate training. Dentists aren’t formally trained to provide dental care remotely. Thus, dentists need to undergo a form of training to help them do their job properly. 
  • Pressure for instant response. Patients want their concerns to be addressed. Some dentists may just give their diagnosis without proper evaluation just to ease their patients’ concerns. 
  • Privacy concerns. Patients will send their dental records, which include their personal information. Without the proper technology, teledentistry may violate privacy laws. Hence, there’s a need for dental boards to monitor teledentistry providers as they would any dental provider. 
  • Unreliable Internet. Regardless of how useful teledentistry is, dentists and patients still rely on their Internet connection. If there’s no decent connection, dentists can’t perform virtual real-time consultation with their patients. 

With the birth of technological developments in the field of teledentistry, dentists will soon set up their own virtual dental health clinics, which can lead to a new era in dentistry. 

In areas where the number of staff members is insufficient, teledentistry will prove to be beneficial. However, before this technology takes its peak, it has to address some of those issues discussed above. 


The bottom line is that teledentistry is transforming dental practice beyond your imagination. Even though not all dentists are adapting to it, yet, dentists who wish to stay competitive in this market should start to use it. 

If you want to be competitive, make sure to download Denteractive teledentistry software and find out how it can transform your dental practice. Start setting up your account here