Causes of a Toothache and How Teledentistry Can Help

Tooth pain. Anyone who has experienced a toothache seldom forgets it. A severe toothache can be downright debilitating, preventing a person from concentrating on work or focusing on much else other than the pain they’re experiencing. Because it can be difficult to visit a dentist at the start of a toothache, many people find that their pain becomes increasingly worse. Ignoring a mild toothache is never a good idea, as the pain can worsen if infection sets in, or other symptoms related to the cause of the toothache also intensify.
What Causes a Toothache?
While many problems can cause tooth pain, there are a few common causes that seem to contribute to painful toothaches more often than others. The most common causes of toothaches are:
Abscessed Tooth
A tooth abscess is a common cause of severe tooth pain. Essentially, an abscess is an air pocket in the tooth or in the gums near a tooth that fills with pus caused by a bacterial infection. Often, an abscess forms at the tip of a tooth’s root. The pocket is often caused by an untreated cavity. An abscessed tooth requires treatment as the bacterial infection can spread. In some cases, the patient will need a root canal; in other cases, they may need to have the tooth extracted. However, before the dentist can perform any dental work, the infection must be treated. For this, expect the dentist to prescribe antibiotics and, possibly, medication to help control the pain while the infection heals.
Dental Cavity
Cavities are another common cause of tooth pain. Cavities create a small hole in the tooth that can become deeper with time. Often, people do not realize that they have developed a cavity until it grows, or they visit their dentist for a checkup and are informed about it. If your cavity is deepening, your tooth is decaying. It is important for the dentist to fill the cavity. If the cavity becomes too deep, it can reach the nerve or lead to the development of a tooth abscess.
Gum Disease
Gum disease can cause immense tooth discomfort, especially if it goes untreated. Today, gum disease affects more than half of the population of people aged 35 and older. By improving dental hygiene–brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash–gum disease may be controlled and cured. On the other hand, when left untreated, it can develop into more serious forms of gum disease like periodontitis. This can cause the gums to swell and bleed, which can be extremely painful.
Wisdom Tooth Pain
Many people experience pain due to their wisdom teeth. As these back teeth emerge, they can crowd the other teeth, causing dull, aching pain or even throbbing pain. Sometimes, the wisdom teeth are impacted and do not have the space needed to emerge. Instead, they remain under the gum line where they can cause tremendous pressure and pain. As the wisdom teeth grow, the pain can increase as gums and nerves begin to feel the impact too. It is important for a dentist to evaluate the wisdom teeth to develop a treatment plan. If infection has set in as it sometimes does, the individual will likely need a course of antibiotics before treatment can begin.
Broken Tooth
A broken tooth can be caused by an injury such as a fall or simply by biting down on something hard like a piece of hard candy. A fractured or broken tooth can cause intense pain each time a person chews something. The person may also experience shooting pain when they eat something that is too hot or too cold. While the pain may come and go, it is unlikely to go away altogether without dental treatment. The dentist will need to examine the broken tooth to recommend the ideal course of treatment.
Teledentistry for Fast Treatment Results
Often, a person with tooth pain is unable to visit their dentist right away. They may have family or work obligations that prevent them from quickly seeing their dentist, the local dentist may not have any open appointments, or it is cost prohibitive. A great option is 24/7 Live Dentist teledentistry. For a limited time, Denteractive is offering FREE messaging with a licensed dentist.
During a teledentistry appointment, there is no poking or prodding with dental tools, of course, but the teledentistry provider can visually examine the tooth via pictures and/or video. Patients can also communicate all symptoms to the dentist. Many painful toothaches involve infection, so it is not uncommon for the provider to recommend a course of antibiotics to bring the infection under control. Teledentistry by Denteractive can do that too! Then, if further examination is needed, Denteractive dentists can give you a free referral to a local dentist.
Another benefit of a teledentistry appointment is to save patients a ‘wasted’ trip. Visiting the dentist in person when suffering tooth pain does not automatically result in an immediate treatment. As mentioned, the dentist may prescribe medication to control the pain and infection before scheduling a dental procedure or surgery. Sometimes the dental professional chooses to refer the patient to a specialist for treatment.
Teledentistry is a convenient first step in the treatment process. And with 24/7 live messaging and video, you can receive relief right away.Today, we’ve helped patients with tooth pain via Teledentistry and we can help you too! Not every dental consultation requires a dentist to perform ‘work’ on the teeth. In these instances, teledentistry by Denteractive offers a convenient alternative to in-person dental appointments. Chat with a live dentist now.
LIMITED OFFER: Denteractive is offering 24/7 Messaging with a live, licensed dentist for Free! Start your free messaging here: