24/7 Live Dentist My Smile Advice

Teledentistry for Safe and Effective Remote Patient Visits in the Age of Social Distancing

The coronavirus pandemic has made it more important than ever to be able to see patients effectively without putting yourself at risk. With the Denteractive teledentistry portal, you’ll be able to consult with people in real-time, through video, texting, and more. This platform makes it possible to provide a calm and soothing initial triage visit, or an effective medium for follow-ups, second opinions and consultations, just as if they were in the room with you. The remote nature of Denteractive is just one of the benefits of our platform. Join Now!

A Better Way To Connect With And Care For Existing Patients 

Even when the pandemic is resolved, many dental patients appreciate the freedom remote consultations provide. Instead of having to get up, get dressed, get in their car and drive to your office, they can do so from the comfort of  their home or wherever they might be. This isn’t just useful for initial meetings, either. You can use Denteractive to do initial cosmetic and ortho evaluations, give second opinions and for after treatment follow-up visits – really, many of the concerns that would bring a patient to your office can be resolved with Denteractive. With the millennial population pushing more than 25% of the globe, and demanding access to real-time information by professionals, you don’t want to stay behind the pack. Denteractive gives you visibility, more optimized access to your patients, and will distinguish your practice from your competition.

As you know, when someone has a problem with their teeth, they don’t want to wait around to get help. So, a person that might have a concern with a simple, basic solution might unnecessarily go to the emergency room, urgent care, or another dentist, when all they had to do was to go to Denteractive and talk to you or someone from your office . This is the kind of action that can build real loyalty with patients, making them come back to you again and again. When someone realizes the time and money you saved them by connecting to them on Denteractive, it can make all of the difference in the world. 



Better Way to Access New Patients 

If you’re looking to grow your practice, Denteractive can help with that, too. Many people with teeth problems go to Denteractive to find a dentist. They could be in your area, looking for someone just like you, and the best part is: most of the time our online dentists have already vetted their dental needs and we have taken care of their insurance coverage before they get to you! This is a way to grow your practice without having to do any advertising or take extra time out of your day. Through Denteractive, you can find more patients to treat who might otherwise have gone to another.

Managing Your Resources 

Denteractive was founded and is run by dental professionals, so we know how important it is to use your resources appropriately. With our Teledentistry  platform, you can save your exam rooms and your staff’s valuable time for the people that actually need to use them. Teledentistry lets you take care of those low-intensity issues, lets you answer questions, and perform other actions that in the past might have made for a needless visit to the dentist. You can even manage your after-hours emergency calls by bypassing the inefficient and archaic system of third-party Emergency Answering Services.

Teledentistry that Puts you in Control 

We didn’t realize our platform until we knew it was strong to handle clear, consistent HIPAA compliant video and instant messaging, file sharing and appointment requests for an entire platform of dentists and patients across the country.  Denteractive will empower your practice in unimaginable ways. To see more about how Denteractive can help your practice or to put yours on the platform, head to our site.