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Denteractive: One of the Best Teledentistry Companies in 2021

Because of financial issues or time limitations, 42% of adults couldn’t visit a dentist as often as they should, according to a survey in ADA. Fortunately, the technology is improving and teledentistry companies provide services that once thought were impossible. Although teledentistry must not be considered a replacement for in-person dental care, you can’t deny the fact that it has hastened the remote consultation process. It enables patients to obtain an initial consultation and allows dentists to address their urgent oral care needs. 

Choosing Teledentistry Companies 

Unfortunately, not all teledentistry companies are created equal. The one you choose will depend on the features that you need to ensure you can provide the best dental care for your patients. And when it comes to providing 24/7 dental care, Denteractive has been rated to be the best teledentistry company by NewMouth and Online Doctor. 

In this list, you will find the reasons Denteractive is the number one option when it comes to teledentistry services. 

Teledentistry Companies

Increase Traffic and Qualified Patients

Teledentistry technology will be pointless without patients. The growth solution of Denteractive can help you find qualified patients through online reviews. The technology has a way to encourage patients to provide you with positive reviews that can boost your search rankings and credibility. 

When people see your site in search results, they visit your site and Denteractive will help convert them into patients. The app has features that can maintain momentum so that you can check in with your customers and improve their experience so you can retain more customers. 

Connect with Your Patients At Any Time and Anywhere

Your patients are busy. They also don’t like traveling long-distance just to see you in person. For many patients, traveling to and from a dentist’s office is a serious obstacle. But Denteractive has removed such challenges by providing a feature that lets patients connect with dentists wherever they are. It also features flexible online scheduling that enables them to schedule a virtual appointment at their leisure, thereby, increasing their satisfaction and loyalty. 

Manage Time More Efficiently 

With Denteractive, you can manage your time more efficiently by catering to patients who need chair time in your dental office while seeing patients with low-intensity issues through your tel dental practice.  

Choose Preferred Line of Communication 

Your patients utilize teledentistry to reach you at all times. Use Denteractive as your method of communicating with them if their case doesn’t require office visits. It reduces unnecessary visits to the emergency rooms. 

Check on New or Existing Patients with Urgent Dental Issues 

Some dental emergencies don’t necessarily require a dental visit in the dentist’s office. Sometimes, patients only need to consult with a dentist and ask for a prescription. Denteractive can help you check on your patients who suffer from urgent dental issues to reduce catastrophic situations. 

Improve Your Revenue Now 

Denteractive allows dentists to reach out to their patients without having to visit their physical office. When you engage with your parents through virtual dentistry, your patients are more likely to trust you and choose your dental services over your competition. And all of these can help in boosting your revenue. 

Download Denteractive today and experience first-hand why it’s one of the best teledentistry companies in the US. Get the app on App Store or get it on Play Store. You may also request a live demo here.