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Dentist Blog

Using Denteractive for Patient Reactivation

It’s no secret that every dental practice has pending or “undone” treatment plans in their patient charts. If you haven’t been running a constant and successful reactivation program every week, chances are that after a few years, you may have lost over a million dollars worth of dentistry! That’s a lot of lost income and…

What is Denteractive?

If you haven’t heard about teledentistry, then you are missing out on one of the most exciting advances in dentistry in regards to patient care, retention, and management in many years. Telemedicine has been around for years, but Denteractive has taken teledentistry to a whole new level with a sophisticated program that has been skyrocketing…

Getting more new patients with Denteractive

The often misquoted, but well known saying of “If you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door,” may have been true in days gone by, but as a business owner, you know that it doesn’t really work that way any longer. You know you are a great dentist. You…

Why Dentists Shouldn’t Be Using Skype

HIPAA is quite serious about patient privacy being violated. You are familiar with the regulations by now and have most likely gone to great lengths to follow the law. You know that violations of HIPAA can and will result in penalties. Knowingly violating HIPAA can result in a minimum fine of $50,000.00 per occurrence with…

Teledentistry: Why this is vitally important to your dental practice

Teledentistry is quickly taking hold in modern dentistry today and its use is rapidly increasing. We feel it is important for you to understand and explore for your dental practice. It simply means using your available high tech resources of your smart phone/tablet and laptop/desktop to not only consult with your patients, but to also…

What is Teledentistry?

Teledentistry is a term you’ve probably been hearing more and more about. It’s a coined word to coincide with the ability to use your smartphone, laptop/desktop or tablet to communicate with your patients. Tele means “to or at a distance.” Teledentistry means the “Use of information technology for dental care, including telecommunications used for education,…

How to be HIPAA compliant with video conferencing

What you need to know to be HIPAA compliant with your dental video conferencing You’ve probably heard about this. As a dentist, you may already be using video conferencing in your practice. Either way, you need to make sure you are HIPAA compliant. What is HIPAA compliant video conferencing for dentists? What does it simply…

Why you should consider video chatting with your dentist

Teledentistry is a word you’ll be hearing more of. It simply means using your smartphone/tablet or laptop/desktop to talk to your dentist and to also give or receive files and documents. If you’ve never used the video chat feature on your phone or laptop, it’s as easy as making a phone call. There are quite…

How to setup video call appointments for your dental practice with Denteractive™

Using Denteractive to video call with your patients and set appointments is fast and easy to use. This short video below will show you how to get up and running in no time.  First access the login screen by clicking on the login tab located in the top right hand corner of the home screen.  You’ll…

Dentistry IQ features Denteractive

Thank you to Dentistry IQ for featuring an interview with Denteractive founder, Reza Izadi, DDS. 

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